NYX works with clients in the Cyber & Computer Science field managing and developing the future of intelligence for your company or nation.Our information technology systems and services will prevent cyber terrorism and win wars. NYX's technology teams assist in securing information from internal and external threats while enabling beneficial collaboration within your internal national security infrastructure. So your systems are a fortress against all threats.
NYX's is all to aware of the old adage that “generals always fight the last war.” That is often because defense establishments are often the last to acknowledge the disruption that is changing the battlefield and the very nature of warfare.
To make certain that global defense establishments are prepared for the next conflict, it’s important to recognize that the battlefield of today and tomorrow is not the one of yesteryear and that yesterday’s means of warfare are always the first casualty of today’s technology breakthroughs and innovations. NYX will keep you ahead of global innovation to build a truly intelligent technology system to safe guard what matters most to you.
AI military strategy is the way of the future is your technology ready? Around the world, AI is already seen as the next big military advantage. The U.S. announced a grand strategy for harnessing artificial intelligence in many areas of the military, including intelligence analysis, decision-making, vehicle autonomy, logistics, and weaponry.
A whopping $718 billion budget for 2020 allocates $927 million for AI and machine learning. NXY's wants to help you to design the defense systems, that are not only with in budget but can truly protect your most valuable assets.
Military authorities face replacing chips in military computers because of flaws in trusted computing systems. Many computers used by governments contain a processor vulnerability that could enable hostile nations to steal key data sets and information.
NYX's is keenly aware of these vulnerabilities in computer chips ubiquitous in governments, corporations and military systems, NYX"s understands just how poorly the manufacturer's respond to these revelations and threats. NYX's shows you just what leaves your military or corporation open to truly staggering amount of attacks.
Further NYX's works with clients creating local manufacture of hardware and software to provide even more security for our clients.
Both military and commercial robots will in the future incorporate ‘artificial intelligence’ (AI) that could make them capable of undertaking tasks and missions on their own.
Technological development has become the forefront of global warfare. In the competition to lead the emerging technology race and the futuristic warfare battleground, artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming the center of the global power play. As seen across many nations, the development in autonomous weapons system (AWS) is progressing rapidly, and this increase in the weaponization of artificial intelligence seems to have become a highly important development.
It however brings complex security challenges for not only each nation’s decision makers, that is where NYX's can be a serious advisor.
The reality today is that artificial intelligence is leading us toward a new algorithmic warfare battlefield that has no boundaries or borders, may or may not even have humans involved, and will be impossible to understand and perhaps control across the human ecosystem in cyberspace, geospace, and space (CGS). That is why NYX's advisors will win the war for our clients.
Just as World War I introduced new weaponry and modern combat to the twentieth century, the information age is now revolutionizing warfare for the twenty-first. Around the world, information technology increasingly pervades weapons systems, defense infrastructures, and national economies. As a result, cyberspace has become a new international battlefield.
Whereas military victories used to be won through physical confrontations of weapons and soldiers, the information warfare being waged today involves computer sabotage by hackers acting on behalf of private interests or governments. The recent escalation of tension between Israel and the Palestinians, for example, has had a prominent virtual dimension. From October 2000 to January 2001, attacks by both sides took down more than 250 Web sites, and the aggressions spread well beyond the boundaries of the Middle East to the computer networks of foreign companies and groups seen as partisan to the conflict. NYX's sees this frontier purely from a defense and security ethic, with the only aim of being the best defense our clients. Training our clients to defend themselves.
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